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Pub in UK

Case Study - Ned Ludd Pub 

Adam and Amanda inherited a run-down pub and wanted to revive it with their own style of industrial chic.

“DI-NOC has given us the copper top we wanted but couldn’t afford, we’ve got that real metal feel with zero hassle and downtime”

Amanda Cropper, The Ned Ludd

3M Di-Noc Case Study Ned Ludd

Case Study - Skypods

Sky Pod needed to keep the charm of the aircraft but create a premium interior and exterior space without adding too much weight, cost or waste to their bespoke builds.

“Adding color and texture to Sky Pods has always been our challenge, but DI-NOC delivers beautiful and practical solutions” 


Mike Hyde, Sky Pods

3M Di-Noc Case Study Skypods

Case Study - Real Clothing

The finished result has brought a whole new atmosphere to the store that matches the premium products they sell without needing a full refurbishment. Being able to reuse the original furniture allowed them to significantly minimise downtime and the amount of waste created.

“When I was presented with the pattern book I couldn’t believe how many different textures, colours and styles there were to choose from.

Lucy, Owner

3M Di-Noc Case Study Real Clothing
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